The Committee would also like to
discuss variations in susceptibility according to age, and to explore whether any
conclusions can be drawn as to the age of greatest susceptibility and the implications of
1 YB96/1.22/1.1-1.4
2 Solvent extraction was
still used in two rendering plants, both in Scotland, where there was a very low incidence
of BSE: Wilesmith, J., Ryan, J. and Atkinson, M. (1991) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy:
Epidemiological Studies on the Origin. Veterinary Record. 128, 199-203.
3 S Maddocks 1 and 2 (WS
467 and 467A).
4 Gordon, I., Abdulla,
E., Campbell, I. and Whatley, S. (1998) Phosmet induces up-regulation of surface levels of
the cellular prion protein. Neuroreport, 9, 1391 (J/NREP/9/1391).
5 Wilesmith, J., (1991)
Epidemiology of bovine spongiform encephalopathy Seminars in Virology 2: 239
6 Mr Eddy T 62 page 69,
7 Wilesmith, J., Wells,
G., Cranwell, M. and Ryan, J. (1988) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Epidemiological
Studies. Veterinary Record. 123, 638. (J/VR/123/638).
8 Professor Anderson T 4
p12 line 22.
9 Donnelly, C.,
Ferguson, N., Ghani, A., Woolhouse, M., Watt, C. and Anderson, R. (1997) The epidemiology
of BSE in cattle herds in Great Britain I: Epidemiological processes, demography of cattle
and approaches to control by culling. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
of London Series B. 352, 781. (J/PTRS/352/781).
10 Ferguson, N.,
Donnelly, C., Woolhouse, The Epidemic of BSE in Cattle Herds in Great Britain. II. Model
Construction and Analysis of Transmission Dynamics. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society of London Series B. 352, 803. (J/PTRS/352/803).
11 Ferguson, N.,
Donnelly, C., Woolhouse, The Epidemic of BSE in Cattle Herds in Great Britain. II. Model
Construction and Analysis of Transmission Dynamics. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society of London Series B. 352, 803. (J/PTRS/352/803).
12 Wilesmith, J., Ryan,
J. and Atkinson, M. (1991) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Epidemiological Studies on
the Origin. Veterinary Record. 128, 199-203. (J/VR/123/199).
13 Taylor, D., Fernie,
K., McConnell, I., Ferguson, C. and Steele, P. (1998) Solvent extraction as an adjunct to
rendering: the effect on BSE and scrapie agents of hot solvents followed by dry heat and
steam. Veterinary Record. 143, 6-9. (J/VR/143/6).
14 Schreuder, B.,
Geetsma, R., Van Keulen, L., Van Asten, J., Enthoven, P., Oberthur, R., De Koeijer, A. and
Osterhaus, A. (1998) Studies on the efficacy of hyperbaric rendering procedures in
inactivating bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and scrapie agents. Veterinary
Record. 142, 474. (J/VR/142/474).
15 Taylor, D., Fernie,
K., McConnell, I., Ferguson, C. and Steele, P. (1998) Solvent extraction as an adjunct to
rendering: the effect on BSE and scrapie agents of hot solvents followed by dry heat and
steam. Veterinary Record. 143, 6-9. (J/VR/143/6).
16 Wilesmith. J., Ryan,
J. and Atkinson, M. (1991) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Epidemiological Studies on
the Origin. Veterinary Record. 128, 199. (J/VR/128/199).
17 T 52 Wilesmith p 67.
18 T 60 p 29.
19 Denny, G. and
Hueston, W. (1997) Epidemiology of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in Northern Ireland
1988 to 1995. Veterinary Record. 140, 302. (J/VR/140/302).
20 Denny, G. and
Hueston, W. (1997) Epidemiology of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in Northern Ireland
1988 to 1995. Veterinary Record. 140, 302. (J/VR/140/302);. Denny, G., Wilesmith,
J., Clements, R. and Hueston, W. (1992) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in Northern
Ireland: Epidemiological Observations 1988-1990 Veterinary Record 130, 113
21 Wilesmith. J., Ryan,
J. and Atkinson, M. (1991) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Epidemiological Studies on
the Origin. Veterinary Record. 128, 199. (J/VR/128/199).
22 Wilesmith, J., Wells,
G., Cranwell, M. and Ryan, J. (1988) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Epidemiological
Studies. Veterinary Record. 123, 638. (J/VR/123/638).
23 Wilesmith, J., Ryan,
J. and Atkinson, M. (1991) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Epidemiological Studies on
the Origin. Veterinary Record. 128, 199. (J/VR/128/199).
24 T 60 Foxcroft p 31.
25 Report of the Working
Party on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Southwood Report) February 1989 (IBD 1 Tab 2).
26 Wilesmith, J., and
Wells, G., (1991) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy from Chesebrough (Ed)
"Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies: Scrapie, BSE and Related Human
Disorders" 59.
27 Kimberlin &
Walker (1977) Characteristics of a Short Incubation Model of Scrapie in the Golden
Hamster. Journal of General Virology, 34, 295-304. (J/GV/34/295); YB88/7.18/4.1.
28 Fraser, H.,
McConnell, I., Wells, G. and Dawson, M.(1988) Transmission of BSE to Mice Veterinary
Record 123, 472. (J/VR/123/472).
29 Foster, J., Hope, J.
and Fraser, H. (1993) Transmission of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy to Sheep and Goats Veterinary
Record 133, 339. (J/VR/133/339).
30 Jeffrey, M. and
Wells, G. (1988) Spongiform Encephalopathy in Nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) Veterinary
Pathology 25, 398-399. (J/VP/25/398). Kirkwood, J., and Cunningham, A. (1994)
Epidemiological observations on spongiform encephalopathies in captive wild animals in the
British Isles Veterinary Record 135, 296. (J/VR/135/296). Furley , C. and
Fleetwood, A. (1990) Spongiform Encephalopathy in an Eland Veterinary Record 126,
408 (J/VR/126/408). Kirkwood, J., Wells, G., Wilesmith, J., Cunningham, A. and Jackson, S.
(1990) Spongiform Encephalopathy in an Arabian Oryx (Oryx leucoryx) and a Greater Kudu
(Tragelaphus strepsiceros) Veterinary Record 127, 418. (J/VR/127/418) Bradley, R.
(1997) Animal prion diseases In: Prion Diseases (Eds. Collinge and Palmer) Oxford
University Press, United Kingdom. p 89.
31 Willoughby, K.,
Kelly, D., Lyon, D. and Wells, G. (1992) Spongiform Encephalopathy in a Captive Puma
(Felis concolor) Veterinary Record 131, 431. (J/VR/131/431). Peet, R. and Curran,
J. (1992) Spongiform Encephalopathy in an Imported Cheetah (Acinonx jubatus) Australian
Veterinary Record 69, 171. J/AVJ/69/171).
32 Wyatt, J., Pearson,
G., Smerden, T., Gruffydd-jones, T., Wells, G., Meldrum, K., Parry-Smith, P., Isserlin,
J., Auerbach, M., Bellois, E. and Loosevolt, R. (1990) Spongiform Encephalopathy in a Cat Veterinary
Record 126, 513. (J/VR/126/513).
33 Amyx, H., Gibbs, C.
& Gajdusek, D. (1983) Experimental Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in cats. In Unconventional
Viruses and the Central Nervous System. (Eds. L.A. Court and F. Cathala) Paris,
Masson. p. 358.
34 Meldrum, K. (1990)
Transmission of BSE to a Pig Veterinary Record 127, 362. (J/VR/127/362).
35 Robinson, M., Hadlow,
W., Puff, T., Wells, G., Dawson, M., Marsh, R. and Graham, J. (1994) Experimental
Infection of Mink with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Journal of General Virology
75, 2151. (J/GV/75/2151).
36 Hanson, R., Eckroade,
R., Marsh., Zu Rhein, G., Kanitz, C. and Gustafson, D. (1971) Susceptibility of Mink to
Sheep Scrapie Science 72, 859. (J/S/172/859).
37 Wells, G. and
Wilesmith, J. Brain Pathology 5, 91 (J/BRP/5/91); Bruce, M., Will, R., Ironside,
J., McConell, I., Drummond, D., Suttie, A., McCordie, L., Chree, A., Hope, J., Birkett,
C., Cousens, S., Fraser, H. and Bostock, C. (1997) Transmissions to mice indicate that
'new variant' CJD is caused by the BSE agent. Nature. 389, 498-501.
38 Bruce, M., Will, R.,
Ironside, J., McConell, I., Drummond, D., Suttie, A., McCordie, L., Chree, A., Hope, J.,
Birkett, C., Cousens, S., Fraser, H. and Bostock, C. (1997) Transmissions to mice indicate
that 'new variant' CJD is caused by the BSE agent. Nature. 389, 498-501.
39 Collinge, J., Sidle,
K.C.L, Meads, J., Ironside, J. and Hill, A.F. (1996) Molecular Analysis of Prion Strain
Variation and the Aetiology of 'New Variant' CJD Nature 383, 685. (J/N/383/685).
40 Hill, A., Sidle, K.,
Joiner, S., Keyes, P., Martin, T., Dawson, M. and Collinge, J. (1998) Molecular Screening
of Sheep for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy NeuroscienceLetters 255, 1.
41 Schreuder, B.,
Geetsma, R., Van Keulen, L., Van Asten, J., Enthoven, P., Oberthur, R., De Koeijer, A. and
Osterhaus, A. (1998) Studies on the efficacy of hyperbaric rendering procedures in
inactivating bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and scrapie agents. Veterinary
Record. 142, 474. (J/VR/142/474).
42 Fraser, H. and
Foster, J. (1994) Transmission to Mice, Sheep and Goats and Bioassay of Bovine Tissues Meeting
of the Scientific Veterinary Committee on Spongiform Encephalopathies, CEC, Brussels,
14-15 September 1993, p 145.; Wells, G. (1994) Short Communications: Infectivity in the
Ileum of Cattle Challenged Orally with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Veterinary
Record 135, 40. (J/VR/135/40); Wells et al (1998) Preliminary Observations on the
Pathogenesis of Experimental Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE): an Update Veterinary
Record 142, 102 (J/VR/142/103).
43 Marsh, R. and
Hartsough, G. (1985) Is there a Scrapie-Like Disease in Cattle? Proceedings of the U.S
Animal Health Association. 89, 8. (J/PUSAHA/89/8)
44 Hoinville, L.,
Wilesmith, J. and Richards, M. (1995) An Investigation of Risk Factors for Cases of Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy Born after the Introduction of the 'Feed-Ban'. Veterinary
Record. 136, 312. (J/VR/136/312).
45 Wilesmith, J., Wells,
G., Ryan, J., Gavier-Widen, D. and Simmons, M. (1997) A Cohort Study to Examine
Maternally-Associated Risk Factors for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. Veterinary
Record. 141, 239. (J/VR/141/239) ; Donnelly, C., Ghani, A., Ferguson, N., Wilesmith,
J. and Anderson, R. (1997) Analysis of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Maternal
Cohort Study: Evidence for Direct Maternal Transmission. Applied Statistics. 46,
321. (J/AP/46/321). ; Gore, S., Gilks, W. and Wilesmith, J. (1997) Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy Maternal Cohort Study-Exploratory Analysis. Applied Statistics.
46, 305. (J/AP/46/305).; Curnow, R., Hodge, A. and Wilesmith, J. (1997) Analysis of the
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Maternal Cohort Study: the Discordant Case-Control Pairs.
Applied Statistics. 46, 345. (J/AP46/345); Donnelly, C., Gore, S., Curnow, R. and
Wilesmith, J. (1997) The Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Maternal Cohort Study: Its
Purpose and Findings. Applied Statistics. 46, 299. (J/AS/46/299).
46 Hoinville, L.,
Wilesmith, J. and Richards, M. (1995) An investigation of risk factors for cases of bovine
spongiform encephalopathy born after the introduction of the 'feed ban' Veterinary
Record 136, 312. (J/VR/136/312).
47 Kimberlin, R. and
Wilesmith, J (1994) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy: Epidemiology, Low Dose Exposure and
Risks Annals New York Academy of Sciences 724, 210. (J/ANAS/724/210).
48 Donnelly, C.,
Ferguson, N., Ghani, A., Wilesmith, J. and Anderson, R. (1997) Analysis of dam-calf pairs
of BSE cases: confirmation of a maternal risk enhancement Proceedings of the Royal
Society London 264, 1647. (J/PTRSL/264/1647). Ferguson, N., Donnelly, C., Woolhouse,
M. and Anderson, R. (1997) A genetic interpretation of heightened risk of BSE in offspring
of affected dams Proceedings of the Royal Society London 264, 1445.
49 Curnow, R. and Hau,
C. (1996) The incidence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the progeny of affected
sires and dams Veterinary Record 138, 407. (J/VR/138/407).
50 Kimberlin, R. and
Wilesmith, J (1994) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy: Epidemiology, Low Dose Exposure and
Risks Annals New York Academy of Sciences 724, 210. (J/ANAS/724/210).