www.rfb.it - Resistenza ai Frankenfood ed alla Biopirateria "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito" |
Avvertenza: se sei arrivato sin qui non potrai più dire che NON sapevi... |
Per saperne di più sugli Ogm, vai alla |
OGM | Documento del Comitato Scientifico Antivivisezionista - (molto istruttivo...) |
OGM | Pagine di Greenpeace Italia con argomentazioni sugli Organismi Geneticamente Modificati |
OGM | Biotecnologie: i motivi del dubbio di E. Moriconi |
OGM | Etica e Bioingegneria dr. Carlo ZANOLINI - Medico Pediatra |
Manifesto sulle biotecnologie sottoscritto da C.I.A., COLDIRETTI, LEGAMBIENTE, SLOW FOOD |
OGM | OGM...Danger sito francese che si occupa di OGM |
OGM | Agropolis Museum: una pagina di raccolta di links pro e contro OGM (fr) |
World Scientists' Statement |
Redesigning the World: Ethical Questions about Genetic Engineering by Ron Epstein (Research Professor at the Institute for World Religions, Berkeley, CA, and Lecturer, Philosophy Department, San Francisco State University) |
OGM | Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers Raccolta di RISORSE su Ogm davvero completa, tenuta da Dr Ron Epstein Philosophy Department College of Humanities San Francisco State University |
Friends of the Earth Europe - BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRAMME |
Stop Genetic Food Experiments - The Friends of the Earth Campaign |
The Environmental Risks of Transgenic Crops: an Agroecological Assessment ARTICOLO DEL PROF. Miguel Altieri - Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management - University of California, Berkeley, CA |
MONSANTO VIOLATES REGULATIONS for experimental plantings in Italy |
OGM | The Monsanto Monitor: an information and strategic resource for organisations and individuals campaigning against Monsanto and its products. |
How the Terminator terminates: an explanation for the non-scientist of a remarkable patent for killing second generation seeds of crop plants. |
OGM | THE TERMINATOR TICKER (sitoweb che organizza la protesta contro il governo USA) |
OGM | The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) Organismo di ricerca sull'impatto delle nuove tecnologie nell'ambiente |
OGM | Genetic Engineering, Food and the Environment Ricerca sui cibi contenenti OGM da parte di Dr. Michael Hanson and Jean Halloran - Consumer Policy Institute/Consumers Union |
OGM | Raccolta di altri interessanti LINKS sull'argomento |
OGM | The WTO, and the Politics of Harmonised Destruction Gerard Greenfield - Education Programme Organiser (Indonesia) |
OGM | Center for Food Safety - Fact Sheet on the Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food. The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) is a non-profit, bi-partisan organization... |
AGRIC | Les pays du Sud rongés par les pesticides Inchiesta di LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE sulle esportazioni di diserbanti nei paesi del terzo mondo |
NATO | LE IMPLICAZIONI AMBIENTALI DELLA GUERRA IN YUGOSLAVIA Dichiarazione di Mikhail Gorbaciov, Presidente della Croce Verde Internazionale |
altre risorse tutte interessanti !
The Foundation on Economic Trends addresses the many environmental, social, economic, and ethical issues raised by the biotech revolution. Jeremy Rifkin President |
CBD: convenzione sulla biodiversità www.biodiv.org/ | |
UNEP: programma delle nazioni unite per l' ambiente www.unep.org/unep/program/natres/biodiv/irb | |
PIC: procedura ONU/FAO per aiutare a sapere di più circa le caratteristiche dei prodotti chimici potenzialmente pericolosi http://irptc.unep.ch/pic/ | |
UNIDO: organizzazione delle nazioni unite per lo sviluppo industriale http://binas.unido.org/binas/home.html | |
TRAD | BINAS The environmental risks of transgenic crops: an agroecological assessment http://binas.unido.org/binas/Library/cabi/altieri.html |
TRAD | International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology www.icgeb.trieste.it/biosafety |
OECD: organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo http://www.oecd.org | |
FAO: organizzazione delle nazioni unite per l' alimentazione e l'agricoltura www.fao.org/waicenter/faoinfo/sustdev/Rtdirect/Rtre0034.htm | |
WTO: Organizzazione mondiale per il commercio: trattati sul commercio internazionale http://www.wto.org | |
FOE:friendes of the earth international www.foe.co.uk | |
Greenpeace: www.greenpeace.org | |
IISD: international institute for sustainable development www.iisd.ca/linkages | |
coopertura quotidiana di CBD e gruppo di lavoro sul protocollo: www.iisd.ca/linkages/biodiv/bswg6 | |
RAFI: rural advancement foundation international www.rafi.org | |
TWN:third world network www.southside.org/souths/twn | |
IUCN:world conservation union www.uicn.org/index.htlm | |
WWF www.wwf.org | |
UE: Rilasci ambientali in accordo alla parte B della Direttiva 90/220/EC | |
Joint Research Centre Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety biotecnology & Enviroment Sector http://biotech.jrc.it/gmo.htm | |
OECD:BioTrack - Database dei rilasci ambientali nei paesi appartenenti all'OECD www.olis.oecd.org/biotrack.nsf | |
USA(USDA/ISB): Information System for Biotechnology; Piante non più regolate negli USA http://www.nbiad.vt.edu | |
US National Agricultural Library : Genomi Vegetali, di animali d'allevamento e altri organismi http://probe.nalusda.gov/alldbs.html |
Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/~geneng/index.html |
Alliance for Biointegrity http://bio-integrity.org/ |
Campaign to Ban Genetically Engineered Foods http://www.netlink.de/gen |
Consumers International http://www.consumersinternational.org |
Conservation – a newsletter covering UK wildlife conservation http://www.wharfe.demon.co.uk/news1.htm |
Council for Responsible Genetics http://www.essential.org/crg |
English Nature http://www.english-nature.org.uk/ |
Friends of the Earth – UK site http://www.foe.co.uk/camps/foodbio/index.htm |
Genetic Concern http://www.vibrantplanet.com/geneticconcern/ |
Genetics Forum http://www.geneticsforum.org.uk/ |
GenetiX Snowball – a campaign of non-violent civil responsibility http://www.gn.apc.org/pmhp/gs/ |
GeneWatch http://www.genewatch.org/ |
IfGene, International Forum for Genetic Engineering http://www.anth.org/ifgene/ |
How to avoid genetic foods – a guide to healthy eating http://wkweb4.cableinet.co.uk/pbrown/ |
Indigenous Peoples Coalition Against Biopiracy http://www.niec.net/ipcb/ |
Mothers for Natural Law http://www.safe-food.org/ |
Natural Law Party genetic engineering pages http://natural-law.ca/genetic/geindex.html |
OneWorld Genetic Engineering pages http://www.oneworld.org/guides/biotech/front.html |
Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology http://www.psrast.org/indexgen.htm |
Pure Food campaign http://www.purefood.org |
Rural Advancement Foundation International http://www.rafi.ca/ |
Students for Alternatives to Genetic Engineering http://www.sage-intl.org |
The Data Centre – Genetic Engineering http://www.gn.apc.org/pmhp/dc/genetics/ |
Third World Network –Biotechnology http://www.twnside.org.sg/souths/twn/bio.htm |
UK Genetic Engineering Network http://www.dmac.co.uk/gen.html |
Union of Concerned Scientists http://www.ucsusa.org |
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